Sunday, November 30, 2008

when i grow up

Vogue Russia April 08 > Sasha Pivovarova shot by Terry Tsiolis

Saturday, November 29, 2008

please, oh please.

so i know this is super new and all....but humor me and follow the beginning...

Follow my blog with bloglovin´

(thank you :)

sweet as candy

lagerfeld > harper's bazaar april 08

felt appropriate for today...


my birthday!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

with ease

i love how natural this photo is....

credit : the sartorialist

the same, but different

i ordered these organic trousers from store A to wear to my birthday party, but recently noticed they are now also being sold at store B. now i know they are exactly the same, but i really hope that i look like A and not B in them....or they will be promptly returned.

just a lesson in how important angles, styling, and photography are...

(and i'm sure none of you know which stores A and B are, but what can you do...)

three's company

(but never a crowd)

this PERFECT (well, near perfect, could it be gold, please?) surface to air ring appeared on oak yesterday and is already sold out. tear.


thanksgiving to all.

credit: flickr

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

if only...

...i had a reason to own these beauties.

credit : oak

(the one where it all began)

it has to start somewhere....and i suppose this is where (here) for me.

i'm not sure my best friend can take the ten emails i send her daily....(ten being about thirty less than i really want to..) so i suppose it's time for me to obsess publicly instead.
